Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Food glorious Food

May I have more please? "More? you want more?" OMG I love Oliver Twist!

So I am trying to diet. Not stopping eating but just eat healthier. So today I had a hand full of peanut butter pretzels, two grilled chicken tacos, and a vitamin water and that’s it. Again been so busy!

So here is my dilemma, if I eat something now, I am so hungry I will scarf it down and not wait to taste it (no fun). I also am wishing for soul satisfying comfort food but to eat this now could only be disaster. I’d be ok with a salad if it had a sweet & fruity/ savory carnivore kick. Like ham, turkey, apple, mozzarella, red onion, mushrooms, hazelnuts and pineapple with an aged balsamic vinaigrette and toss a few basil leaves into the mix. But alas, it is not to be. Lindie’s asleep and no one who would make anything up to par is delivering at this time of night (here in c/s I don’t know if anyone delivers this during the day lol)

Maybe if I just go to sleep there will be sweet dreams of what I want and I will wake up full. LMTO Yeah right, I’ll let ya’ll know how that works for me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

busy life of a single mom - blessing in disguise

So the past couple of days have been run run run. Most people would consider it a burden to be this busy. Sometimes I feel this way……

But sometimes I feel it can save me from taking time to worry. When I don’t have time to stop I get intensely focused on not forgetting anything. I make a list and try my best to stick to it. I am so tired at the end of the night I don’t lay in bed dreading what will/could happen tomorrow. It is easier to be myself and “go with the flow” if I haven’t over planned or preset expectations.

I also feel like I get some health benefits. I don’t overeat because I don’t have time to take a while eating. Sometimes I feel I eat just because I’m bored. Also, when I’m busy I don’t lay on the couch and watch TV. All things good.

My only sadness is sometimes Lindie doesn’t feel like she’s getting all of me. I see when I have been spending some time on a project or volunteering she gets “clingy” and try’s to get me to focus on her. I try to reassure her and include her as much as possible. But for a single mom you don’t have that second parent to pick up the slack of your child’s emotional needs.

I still feel like I am setting the best example I can for her. I show her it’s ok to be busy, but it’s ok to rest too. I show her it’s ok to take on volunteer work but it’s ok to say no sometimes. It’s ok for her to be the center of my world but sometimes she needs to be ok with someone else taking care of her. I want Lindie most of all to know there is a time for everything, and life should be a balance…..

Now if only I could balance a spoon on my nose. LOL

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth success

OK. So yesterday went off without a hitch. We did buffet style and everyone left full and happy. Just one problem….. There wasn’t “room for Jell-o” and now I have a fridge of Jell-o parfaits. What’s a girl to do? I just guess we will be having them for the next few days. The house was perfect and I truly enjoyed having everyone over. I love to cook but only when it brings people together. (as long as someone else cleans :)

I went to see the fireworks put on by the Air Force Academy. It was good but not as fabulous as the Memorial Park display. I have been going to those fireworks for decades.
My whole life.

I was born and raised in Colorado Springs. My daughter was born in the same hospital. My boyfriend (almost fiancé) and I drove past the house my family rented when I was a kid. While we joked about buying it, because it was up for sale, the traditions of this town are deep for me. I almost told him to put in an offer.

Which brings me back to the fabulous Memorial Park display. I remember being so close to the symphony I could hardly hear the boom of the fireworks, or being underneath them and thinking they were going to drop on me. I lived 4 blocks from the park and have taken Lindie every year. Each year she has more and more fun. This year all she could do was say “I have to go potty” which is Lindie speak for “I’m bored”. I understand money is tight and it was just not in the cards for the city to put on the display. But I still wonder, if you asked the people of Colorado Springs for donations to keep the tradition alive how many would pay to see those beautiful, bright sparkly bits of 4th tradition? I would put a $100 on it. Maybe I’m just in the minority?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy fourth of July!!!!!!! OK so I cleaned the house and even did some laundry. It was the house blocking my creativity. And it’s scary when you know yourself so well. My epiphany was 10:30pm and I went shopping right away.

Here’s the menu:
· Meatball or grilled sausage subs with sautĂ©ed peppers and onions, and mozzarella
· Pasta salad with basil infused dressing and “salad topping crunchies
· Corn on the cob (what could be better?)
· Baby seedless watermelon
· Red white and blue Jell-O Parfaits
· 4th ice cream floats with strawberry soda and blue berry sauce

Everything will be semi-homemade but I want to enjoy and relax and not sweat the small stuff! So here is a prayer, God: please help me let go of perfection and just be happy being me :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Today has been chillaxing kind of day......I’m still planning tomorrows menu. I have settled on meatball subs but other than that I have no idea. Do you ever feel your house is so cluttered it doesn’t give you room to be creative. This is, I think, what is giving me such a hard time. I just don't want to clean because if that isn't what is causing my "cooking block" I will still be stumped but will have cleaned for nothing......LOL. I will probably have an epiphany at midnight to night and do a late run for all the fixings I need :) Good thing I can sleep in tomorrow. Happy 4th to you and be safe!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New to the whole "blog thing". I love to twitter. It's kind of mini blogging :) At work we do short hand for the notes we type in. IE: mbr clld to update acct. which is member called to update account. I wonder if I blog in my shorthand will people understand me?